
During your free initial consultation, you will meet Dr. Sarah, have orthodontic pictures taken, and get an evaluation and treatment recommendation. Dr. Sarah may also request pain-free x-rays or digital models of your teeth. If you’re ready to start, we have enough time set aside to start your treatment right away!


Virtual Appointments

At Smile Orthodontics by Dr. Sarah, we are continually searching for ways to streamline and simplify your orthodontic journey. As a result, we are thrilled to offer our patients virtual consultations to make getting started even easier. To get started with a virtual consultation, please complete our form to request a free consultation and a member of our team will be in touch!


We also know that accidents happen when it comes to appliances, so our first line of defense against orthodontic emergencies is prevention. Dr. Sarah and her team will inspect your appliances at every appointment. They will also provide you with the instructions and resources to care for your appliances properly. However, in the case that an emergency occurs, Dr. Sarah and her team will provide you with a virtual appointment to ensure that we address the issue quickly and efficiently.

Financial Approach

Our goal is to provide high-quality orthodontic care to everyone, so we won’t let the financial aspect get in the way of your orthodontic treatment. To achieve this we offer low down payments and finance the rest of the fee over the length of the treatment into reasonable monthly payments. We guarantee that all down payments and monthly payments are under $300 for your convenience.

Yes, we take nearly all insurance

Part of making our best-in-class ortho care accessible is taking insurance. You already paid them so why shouldn’t they contribute if you have benefits available to you? Just because other orthodontists in the area don’t take insurance doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. Simply take a photo of your card when filling out our convenient online forms and we will have all the info we need to help you get the most out of your orthodontic insurance coverage. We file the claims on your behalf, all you need to do is supply us with the info.

You Down with OPP? Orthodontic Payment Plans <$300

For any remaining fees that your insurance doesn’t cover, we offer lower down/monthly payments for all our treatments with no interest or hidden fees. In fact we are confident in saying all of our treatments will come in less than $300 down per month. That means you can come to your free exam and get started on your treatment that day for less than $300.

Appliance Care Instructions



Treat them well

  • The glue that holds braces on is not permanent, it is designed to come off at a certain pressure.
  • This allows us to remove your braces when your teeth are straight! This also means that the glue can release if too much pressure is applied. Avoid biting hard, sticky, or tough to bite into foods. Either cut them into smaller pieces and chew on your molars or avoid them.
  • Ex: Starbursts, Jolly Ranchers, gummy worms, gummy bears, gummy sharks, lollipops, ice pops, ice, meat on the bone like ribs and chicken wings, corn on the cob, whole apples, whole carrots, large chewy bagels, ends of pencils, fingernails, and anything you can feel requiring excessive pressure to bite through!

Clean them well

  • Braces require extra time and attention when brushing.
  • Brush 3 times a day at least! Morning, night and after lunch or school.
  • Brush all surfaces of your teeth and all surfaces of the braces. Brush under each bracket and on top of each bracket, near the gumline.
  • Try to floss once a day. It will take practice because the floss must go under the wire between each tooth.
  • Keeping your braces clean will help your teeth move faster and look their best when the braces are off.

Follow instructions well

  • We will teach you everything you need to know and do to keep your braces in good shape and your treatment as fast as possible. It is important that you do your part and follow our instructions.
  • Attend all your scheduled appointments and if you miss an appointment, reschedule and come in as soon as possible.
  • Follow any instructions regarding elastic wear exactly as you are asked.
  • When treatment is complete, WEAR YOUR RETAINER EVERY NIGHT!!!!!!

Aligner & Retainer Instructions


  • Wear your aligners all the time unless eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth.
  • Do not eat or drink with your aligners in unless it’s plain water.
  • After eating or drinking brush your teeth and your aligners well then put them back in.
  • Brush your aligners inside and outside with your toothbrush and toothpaste and rinse with water.
  • Never boil, microwave, or put your aligners in the dishwasher, high heat will damage their fit.


  • Wear your retainers every night.
  • Do not eat or drink with your retainers in unless it’s plain water.
  • In the morning brush your aligners inside and outside with your toothbrush and toothpaste and rinse with water.
  • Always keep your retainers in your case if they are not in your mouth.
  • Never boil, microwave, or put your retainers in the dishwasher, high heat will damage their fit.
  • If you lose or damage your aligners or retainers call us right away!

Expander Care Instructions

What to expect

Congratulations! You are on your way to a healthy and beautiful smile. You can expect an adjustment period as your tongue and mouth get used to your new expander. Don’t worry, in a week or so you won’t even notice it’s there. Be patient in the first few days and call us if you need any encouragement!

Some common issues that resolve with time are:

  • Slight lisp
  • Excess saliva
  • Complaints of difficulty swallowing (don’t worry, it just feels different)
  • Difficulty chewing, softer foods help the transition

What to do

  • Turn your expander once per day for the number of weeks prescribed by Dr. Sarah.
  • Return for your next appointment (virtual or in-office) for further instructions.

Instrucciones de Como Cuidar los Frenillos


Tràtalos bien

  • La pega que detiene los brackets no es permanente, esta diseñada a despegarse con cierta presion, esto nos deja removerlos sin problemas cuando tus dientes esten rectos! Esto tambien significa que la pega se puede despegar cuando hay mucha presion. Evita morder duro, cosas pegajosas o comidas duras.
  • Ex: Starbursts, Jolly Ranchers, gummy worms, gummy bears, gummy sharks, chupetes, ice pops, hielo, carne en los huesos, como las costillas o alitas , maiz en la mazorca, manzanas enteras, zanahorias enteras, bagels, borradores de lapiz, uñas, y todo lo que sientas que tienes que usar presion para morder!

Lìmpialos bien

  • Los frenillos requieren tiempo y atencion cuando te los cepillas.
  • Cepillate 3 veces al dia! De dia, noche y despues de escuela.
  • Cepilla toda la superficie de tus dientes y la surperficie de tus frenillos. Cepilla debajo de cada bracket y arriba de cada bracket, cerca de las encias.
  • Trata de usar el hilo dental una vez al dia. Esto va a tomar practica porque el hilo tiene que it debajo de cada alambre entre cada diente.
  • Manteniendo tus frenillos limpios, va a ayudar que tus dientes se muevan rapido y luzcan de lo mejor possible cuando no los tengas!

Sigue bien las instrucciones

Te enseñaremos todo lo que necesites saber para mantener tus frenillos en el mejor estado y tu tratamiento, lo mas rapido posible. Es importante que pongas de tu parte y seguir las instrucciones.

  • Atiende tus citas, y si es que pierdes una cita, reprogramar y venir lo mas pronto posible.
  • Sigue todas las instrucciones relacionadas con el uso de elásticos exactamente como se te pida.